Friday, June 8, 2012

Far Infrared Ray (FIR)

What is FIR?

Far Infrared (also known as Far Infrared Ray or heat therapy) is a form of energy in humansand animal, and is also emitted from the sunlight. Far infrared ray (also known as FIR) produced by human and animal body varies from time to time. When there is enough amount of energy being produced, our bodies feel healthy and we are able to fight back the ailments. But when the level of far infrared being produced is low we are more prone to illnesses and the process of aging gets rapid. With the vast technological advancements it is possible to get yourself exposed to far infrared rays for hours and the good thing is that it never burns our skin. It is the healthiest and safe way of getting yourself exposed to the required amount of heat through FIR. 
You don’t need to worry about the side effects or that your skin might get a burn. 

As FIR has nothing to do with either Ultra Violet radiation, which gives sunburn and damages the exposed parts of skin, or atomic radiation, kind associated with nuclear bomb explosions. FIR is simply a radiant heat, form of energy, which works on an object through a process called conversion. Conversion is a process in which object is heated without having to heat the air in between. The sun light works through a same process in which infrared rays reach the earth and when the clouds come in the way of earth and the sun, you will feel chilled as they block the warmth through infrared rays from sun to reach you. Sun is a natural source to get exposed to FIR thermal therapy but sunbathing should be enjoyed in moderation as the sunrays contain ultra violet rays which are potentially damaging. Another thing to keep in mind while sunbathing is that temperature can not be controlled and in many parts of the world it is a seasonal pleasure. 

Infrared light is an important force of energy, which helps to raise the white blood cell count in our body. Raising count is good as it means better immunity against diseases and ailments. Heat therapies and energy medicines are long been used by ancient Chinese and Japanese health practitioners. For ages healing touch therapies are used for improved cell growth, DNA and protein synthesis in cells. Traditional heat therapies as compared to FIR have their drawbacks. As they proved to be uncomfortable, unhygienic and many a times lost their effectiveness. Saunas for example may cause the heat stress as one gets exposure to extremely high temperatures, which may have detrimental impact on the people suffering from heart conditions and high blood pressure. Thermal wrap-ups and heat pads are uncomfortable and fail to provide heat constantly. Whereas FIR is a source which provides heat continuously and constantly and the amount  being produced is controllable.

Over a past few years, researchers and clinicians have done intense research on infrared treatments and have come up with many stimulating findings. For decades, infrared and heat therapies are being used by physicians, in Europe and Asia, in an independent developed form. Infrared therapies have proved to be beneficial for the cardiovascular training effects for the people who are unable exert themselves. FIR has an outstanding impact on caloric consumption and weight control; It is found that in only thirty minutes 600 – 2400 calories can be burnt. Infrared thermal systems stimulate the energy used in to run six to nine miles during one session. This is proving to be best solutions for the people who can not exert themselves yet have to control weight effectively. FIR also helps body to flush out the toxins which is essential for body to work effectively. 

FIR therapy offers many other benefits; 

It help people suffering from all forms of arthiritus, relieves muscle spasms and joint stiffness
1- it increases the extensibility of collagen tissues and capillaries which is good for stimulation of blood flow,  regeneration, circulation and oxygenation

2- FIR therapy assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates

3- FIR therapy has proven extremely beneficial in weight control programmes. It is observed that one hour  under the FIR therapy raise the body metabolism and body temperature that it  burns 900 calories. FIR   heat also breaks down cellulite – trapped water, fat and waste in the body

4- It helps to prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary artery disease and blood circulation. It relieves  nervous tension and relaxes autoneuro muscles.

5- FIR helps to improve skin conditions and all-around beauty treatment.

6- It is also said to help body strengthen the immunity system by stimulating increased production of white  blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus. 

- source by

Itu lah dia FIR. Kalau malas nak baca yang panjang2 tu, baca je yang mana di 'bold' dan 'underline'. Itu adalah isi2 penting yang semua orang kena tau.

Yang penting sekali, FIR ni boleh menurunkan berat badan tanpa apa2 exercise. Ada sesetengah orang boleh jadi terlalu skeptikal, "mana ada boleh kurus kalau tak exercise, mustahil". Tapi itulah FIR, mungkin kedengaran macam tak logik, tapi itulah yang akan berlaku, memang FIR boleh menurunkan berat badan kita. 

Bukan setakat turunkan berat badan saja, ada macam2 lagi function FIR ni. Macam boleh mengelakkan penyakit, melancarkan peredaran darah, untuk cantikkan kulit lagi, banyak lah sebenarnya. 

Jadinye, mana kita nak cari FIR ni? Boleh beli kat Jusco ke? Nak tau kat mana boleh dapat FIR ni, sila lah tunggu next entry saya. Next entry will tell you more about FIR. Stay tune....

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